In our next FREE webinar entitled "The Four Myths of Grief: Pregnancy and Infant Loss", Tanika Dillard will educate us using her training as a Grief Recovery Methods Specialist to explore why unhelpful ideas or cliches about loss can keep you stuck in the pain and sorrow following a pregnancy loss. Replacing myths with truth that will enable bereaved mothers to journey forward, Tanika will discuss the illusion that we can replace the loss of our babies, why "being strong" is not beneficial to you or those around you, and how time alone cannot and will not heal your broken heart.
Join us on Monday, May 18 at 8pm CST, for a safe space to learn a few truths that can help you on your healing journey. Tanika will teach us for approximately 30 minutes and then respond to questions. While this training will be facilitated through a live Zoom format, participants will not be required to share their story, unless they desire to engage or ask questions after the educational portion of the webinar. It’s always ok to just listen!
Sign up through the form below and watch your email for a Zoom link and reminder on the day of the webinar. We look forward to meeting you!
**The content of this webinar is intended to be used for educational and support purposes only. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan, product, course of action or medical or healthcare provider. To see our full health information disclaimer, head to our website,**